Black Death

Covid-19 is the new Mediaeval Leprosy: a Historical Comparison of Isolation, Religious Fervor and Medical Tyranny

covid leprosy

Bible Leviticus 13:44-46

„Now whosoever shall be defiled with the leprosy, and is separated by the judgement of the priest, shall have his clothes handing loose, his head bare, his mouth covered with cloth, and he shall cry out that he is defiled and unclean. All the time that he is a leper and unclean, he shall dwell without the camp.“

Dr. Fauci says masks, social distancing will still be needed after a Covid-19 vaccine—here’s why”. Nov 16 2020

Many historical pandemics directly coincided either with extreme environmental changes or political and social upheaval. This article does of course not claim that Leprosy and Covid are the same disease nor that either of the diseases don’t exist. We are going to compare the ambiguousness of diagnoses which are in stark contrast to the determination of all governments to implement total control in order to eradicate a pandemic. In 2020, we are told that Covid-19 is so deadly that they have to halt the entire world until everyone is vaccinated and the world economy is transformed in the Great Reset. In the Covid Plandemic, everyone is a suspect, a potential “asymptomatic spreader”, indefinitely.

Leprosy policies in the Middle Ages could be called the blueprint of medical social control. Leprosy is the oldest disease mentioned in historical and sacred texts, the appearances and symptoms were changing through the centuries, modern physicians believe the skin disease called leprosy in the old Testament was probably not actual leprosy. Today, leprosy is known to be “not very contagious”. What is always consistent through the millennia is that the victims were shunned, isolated, persecuted or killed, whether they were sick or not. From about 1000 A.D. onward the clergy and government officials could declare any person to have leprosy on the ground of any skin condition, illness or no condition at all. Centuries prior to today’s sophisticated testing options, they issued dubious tests, visual examination and questioning of relatives (a type of ‘contact tracing’) to determine who must be isolated and expelled from society and their property confiscated. 

The descriptions of symptoms were not limited to lesions, bright spots, dark spots, swellings or necroses and actual decompositions of limbs, but included ambiguous descriptions such as grey hair, goose bumps if exposed to a breath of air (so potentially everyone) or allegations of „bewitchment“, “confusion” or having had a nightmare. In mediaeval England, up to a third of all hospitals were leprosaria designated to the isolation of lepers. [1]

The German word for leprosy is “Aussatz” from “aussetzen”, meaning to cast away, expel, so It describes the social ramifications, not symptoms of a disease. The social ramifications and ostracising of victims found their parallels in the modern- day HIV- epidemic in the 1980s and 90s and even more so in the 2020 Covid-19 crisis, the emerging global control state and the Great Reset. “History has shown, the book argues [the Great Reset by WEF founder Klaus Schwab], that pandemics are a force for radical and lasting change”— Mustafa Alrawi, The National (UAE)

By the way, the term social distancing has hitherto been used in psychology in distance between ethnic and racial groups. “The Bogardus social distance scale is defined as a scale that measures varying degrees of closeness in people towards other members of diverse social, ethnic or racial groups. “ [2]

In 2020 CBS4 news says “Believe-it-or-not a scratch-and-sniff test may be the best hope, after an effective vaccine, to control the spread of COVID-19,” says to CU Biochemistry Professor Roy Parker  [3]

Leprosaria Detention camps for “Troublemakers”

Sheldon Watts (1997) argues that not only did western medicine fail to cure the diseases that its own expansion engendered, but that imperial medicine was in fact an agent and tool of empire. As Timothy Miller, 2006 explains: “Watts also describes how “the leprosy epidemic of the High Middle Ages resulted in the proliferation of leprosaria, especially in France. By the 1220s, Paris alone had forty-five leprosaria and Europe as a whole possessed several thousand. According to Watts, these leprosaria actually served as detention centers for people whom the local elite–both church hierarchs and lay rulers–considered potential trouble-makers. People were accused by informants of having contracted leprosy, tried by panels representing the local bishop and secular authority, and then incarcerated in leprosaria. As Watts explains, no medical experts sat on these examining boards. When during the fourteenth century physicians secured seats on these juries, the number of real lepers, identified by these procedures, dwindled, and the leprosy epidemic suddenly ended, an epidemic which Watts asserts had been fabricated. In other words, Watts maintains that medieval leprosy was a construct disease – i.e., a disease invented by those in power to secure their political, cultural, and economic dominance.” [4]

In 2020, Switzerland’s federal government decrees a new law for “health police measures.” [5]

“Watts calls the medieval quarantinist policies first elaborated in Italy against the plague the ‘Ideology of Order’, an authoritarian set of interventions that disrupted the everyday lives of citizens”. [6]

I-Chun, Wang: “Leprosy became a “construct” disease, “invented by those in power to secure their political, cultural, and economic dominance, and leprosy victims were mostly banished from their own communities.”

“According to Peter L. Allen, the Middle Ages were a time of cruelty for many: thieves, outlaws, and political criminals were hanged, buried alive, beaten to death, or used as spectacles, and in some cases, leper houses were even allowed to burn down with the inhabitants still inside. Leprosy settlements, dating to the early modern period, remained places of segregation well into the nineteenth century.” [7]

In the 19th century in Hawaii, in the Kalaupapa leprosy settlement, “even those who were [only] suspected of having leprosy were forced by law to remain for the rest of their lives in this secluded place.” [8]

In 2020, seniors were left to starve and die in their abandoned nursery residents in Spain [9] and denied intensive care in Italy. [10]

Roy Porter briefly discusses the leprosy epidemic of the High Middle Ages. He claims that the medieval Church excluded lepers from society by imprisoning them in leprosaria and then justified this harsh treatment by depicting leprosy as punishment for one’s sins. Porter also emphasizes how “ecclesiastical leaders portrayed leprosy as a living death and even developed a special religious service for lepers that simulated a funeral mass. The victims of leprosy were dead to the world, and in their seclusion they should remain as separate from the healthy as the deceased were from the living.” [11]

The following is an excerpt from a presentation by Dr. Stefan Lanka, called the History of the Infection theory [12] [translation from German mine]:

„…The concept of pandemics had been used many times to suppress uprisings, to control famine situations and so on.

It all started with the early Vatican creating fear of disease, by claiming the disease came from the disease demon, just as in ancient Greece. Thus, in order to establish total control, the early Vatican claimed that illness was a punishment from God.”

“After French Humanist Gerbert de Aureac, – who had been employed by Otto of the Holy Roman Empire – died around 1004 A.D., health tribunals were installed throughout the entire Holy Roman Empire of German Nations. “

“The Vatican didn’t manage to confiscate all the documents from all archives of this period, especially in the regions that later turned Protestant.

From these city chronicles and books, we learn that they held health tribunals in the entire Holy Roman Empire, headed by a priest, accompanied by community or city councilors, and they decided who was a sacred sick person, and who was an evil sick person, who was punished by god and therefore needed to be expelled. The German word for leprosy is Aussatz, which means to cast away, expulsion.”

“This leprosy/ expulsion- concept is identical in all regions where the data was preserved throughout the Holy Roman Empire at the beginning of the 11th century. The definition included common natural illnesses such as hair loss, acne zits, swellings and so on, but it also included trickier diagnoses such as the claim that someone had a nightmare. The accused might have called out in his sleep or the like, and even more wicked (this could be called the first HIV test in medieval times): goose bumps as a reaction to a draft of wind. That was a criterium to be expelled, the person was tattooed, received the last oiling, and was forced to leave all inhabited territories, and was forbidden to come near a settlement by threat of the death penalty.”

Addressing-the-lepers; Medieval Leprosy – Intriguing History

Prisoners of God

In mediaeval London, lepers were regarded as “prisoners of God”, because they were captives to a debilitating disease, their patron was Saint Leonard, who is also the patron saint of prisoners. [13]

In 2020 in Nepal, health care workers were thrown out of rental apartments. In Haiti, hospitals treating COVID-19 patients were attacked. [14]

Clive Maxwell, Bleary pointedly describes the approach to Covid as an “alternative religion with the intolerance and the superstition of old.” [15]

In the 2020 Covid crisis, a pandemic is wrapped in a language that rivals a religious revival. Critics of the Corona policies and those who warn of the disastrous consequences of the lockdowns are rebuked with attributes fit for a religious movement:

“Corona deniers”, “lockdown sinners”, “people who don’t believe”. And of course: “Survey uncovers widespread belief in ‘dangerous’ Covid conspiracy theories.” [16] And then there is widespread establishment talk about fate and karma: ‘Call it fate, call it karma’ — Why the coronavirus is merely ‘the final kick into the abyss’ for the U.S. economy.” The plandamic is even convoluted with the punishment for having caused global warming. Instead of God it’s Mother Gaya who is punishing mankind. It is sold even as retribution for general inequality in the world, which now has to be made up for with the Great Reset.

Solar activity and human excitability

The height of the leprosy epidemic, the detention in leprosaria hospitals and the isolation and persecution of lepers in Europe was most pronounced from 1000 A.D. to 1350 A.D. [17] which also roughly overlaps with the prolonged solar maximum and the Mediaeval Warm Period (which ended in an environmental catastrophe and the Black Death). The open cruelty against lepers is in agreement with the historical behavioral trends, i.e. Grand Solar Maxima are periods of more favorable climate but more war and persecution. See Solar History 2018. Contrarily, in 2020, with declining Solar- and Geomagnetic activity indicative of the Next Grand Solar Minimum, authorities find it easier to appeal to “empathy” and “compassion” due to the passivity of the masses, but people are not easily riled up to personally go after critics of the Covid measures (the heretics). 


Theodoric of Cervia (1205- 1298) describes one of the many ludicrous diagnosis method: „ if blood squeaks or is greasy when rubbed in the palm of the hand, it’s lepra.“ [18]

Monk William of Newburgh (first mentioned in 1118) describes how “Publicani (lepers) were branded on their forehead and driven from the city into the intolerable cold of the winter where they perished. The king commended that nobody should have contact with them, and that the house in which they had lived should be carried outside the village and burned.” [19] This treatment of lepers was legislated by Henry II of England’s act 1166 called ‘The Assize of Clarendon’. 

The Assize of Clarendon began the transformation of English law from systems for deciding the prevailing party in a case, especially felonies, as trial by ordeal or trial by battle or trial by compurgation to an evidentiary model, in which evidence, inspection, and inquiry was made by laymen, knights or ordinary freemen, under oath. [20]

From the German Mittelalterlexikon von Peter C. A. Schels:

“Leprosy examination, Leprosy show (Examen leprosorum): Bathers, surgeons, doctors and clergymen were required to report suspected cases of leprosy to the municipal authorities under threat of severe punishment in case of neglect. To secure the diagnosis of “leprosy”, commissions were appointed consisting of city doctors and surgeons, leprous leprosariamasters and inmates of leprosoria (probatores, schouwer), they made verdicts based on a fixed catalog of symptoms in the presence of city officials. Their verdict was recorded in a show letter and read either as pure (mundus) or impure (immundus et leprosus).” [21]

What can go wrong when other cast-outs decide who will be cast out next with them? Prisoners as judges.

In 2020, doctors are obliged to report suspected cases of Covid to the authorities, citizens are pressed to snitch on their fellow citizens, for instance when neighbors have 4 visitors, or the like.

Medieval criteria for leprosy verdicts (Signa leprae) were: 

1.) hard and knotty muscles; 2.) dry, flaky, or ulcerated skin; 3.) hair loss; 4.) muscle deterioration; 5.) nervous disorders (e.g. insensibility of individual skin areas or muscle cramps); 6.) granular swellings (under the tongue, on the ears or on the eyelids); 7. Burning sensation on the skin; 8.) Goosebumps when there is a draft; 9.) perspiration; 10.) fever; 11.) deceitful and angry being; 12.) nightmares; 13.) weak pulse; 14.) black, grainy blood; 15.) white urine; 16.) Bulbous changes in the nose, swelling of the forehead, lumpy ears, blue-red complexion (collectively called lion face [facies leonina]); 17.) rough voice (vox rauca; was diagnosed by singing test); 18.) Increased sex drive (after all, the illness was considered a punishment from God for indecent conduct).” [22]

An overabundance of blood produces alienation of the mind, as evident by laughter and singing”. [23] So, if you were a happy person and someone didn’t like you, you could be sent to the detention camp I.e. leprosorium. 

The term “leprosy” was also used to “refer to other skin diseases – such as skin tuberculosis, eczema, scabies or psoriasis, which, when they subsided, one believed in a wonderful cure for alleged leprosy.”

For comparison, here is the list of symptoms of Covid-19, they have obviously nothing to do with leprosy, most of them are identical to those of Common Cold or Flu. 

Most common symptoms of Covid-19:

-Fever; dry cough; tiredness

Less common symptoms:

-aches and pains; sore throat; diarrhea; conjunctivitis; headache; loss of taste or smell; a rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes.

Serious symptoms:

-difficulty breathing or shortness of breath; chest pain or pressure; loss of speech or movement [24]

New severe long-term symptoms are loosely attributed to Covid every week. 

If this trend continues, heart decease or cancer, (the hitherto leading causes of death, both facilitated by poor life style decisions) will be eradicated and Covid will be the only remaining cause of death. Even in mid 2020, the Covid crisis has practically eliminated death by flue or pneumonia. 

Further long-term symptoms assumed to be caused by Covid-19 include: Heart dysfunction, inflammation, mucositis. “gastrointestinal symptoms at hospital admission, and dermatologic abnormalities, mucositis, a painful inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the digestive tract that is usually the result of chemotherapy or radiation for cancer.” [25]

Non-medical leprosy verdicts (for asymptomatic carriers)

Even in the 20th century, “The health inspector’s primary concern was the individuals in which there was no manifestation of the disease, since this “was the group most dangerous to society, mobile carriers of leprosy”. According to Matta (1922b,p.274), these people were “apparently healthy, with no marks or trophoneurotic lesions, or even sores, but suffered from leprosy; they transferred the bacillus to healthy people.” [26]

As mentioned above, as recently as in 1940, in Australia a young mother was forced to spent 12 harrowing years in isolation on Peel Island leper colony following a false diagnosis. In all those years and after, she never contracted leprosy. Patients were put into bark huts with dirt floors and treated almost like convicts. Some patients were locked up or chained by police before they were taken to the site.

Living conditions in the leper camp were grim, “each compound was surrounded by fences almost 2.5m high to prevent ethnic groups mixing, particularly at night” [27]

Luke Demaitre says on leprosy diagnosis: “As individual iudicia will demonstrate, the term ‘leprosy’ was also applied to conditions that were not really medical. Even when contagiousness was an implicit issue, the label often served ulterior motives that were not always negative, as will become clearer from the certificates. The suggestion that underlying factors were at play arises even in a general overview of the verdicts that resulted from examinations.“ [28]

In Dec 2020, several permille of the western population (in Switzerland it is 0.15% of the population) are in forced quarantined at any time, most of them without diagnosis, but via contact tracing or travel schedules or hear-say. The state calls it “self-quarantine” (if you don’t “self-quarantine”, you are arrested).

Also in 2020, authorities warn that getting healthy can be a sign of alarm. 

“Low oxygen content can be an alarm signal for Corona infected – especially when the sick intermediately feels better. “  [29]


Brody pointed out that “Most people might expect that leprosy can be diagnosed easily. Since the disfigurements are so gross and horrible, one is likely to suspect that no other condition can possibly resemble it. This simple assumption is far from the truth.” [30]

Binford writes, “The mimicry of the disease is so great that it has to be differentiated from many diseases, including syphilis, lupus vulgarism, lupus erythematuous, leukoderma,….” 

In developing countries even today, for instance in Indonesia, leprosy may be diagnosed by field doctors on a house visit, by simple nerve tests and visual observation. If and otherwise healthy person has a light spot on the skin that is slightly numb or insensitive, this is sufficient for a person to be declared a leper. [31]


In 2020; flight attendants in China are made to Wear Diapers for COVID safety; the rational being they can’t go to the bathroom because of risk of infection, so they are force to wet themselves and keep working. [32] No comments were made why the restrooms are supposed to be safer for the passengers, this cannot have any other intention than to humiliate these employees. 

The treatment becomes the Illness “Mercury and Rape”

Peter C. A. Schels elaborates some of the leprosy treatment practices: “Following the example of Arab doctors, many Christian Doctors of the Middle ages rubbed leprosy with mercury ointments before a sweat bath; the materia peccans should be expelled with the sweat and the strong salivation caused by the poisonous effects of the mercury. Few suspected the ineffectiveness of all these healing attempts. The blood superstition (manifested in the rape of young girls) and the mercury cures certainly caused a lot of harm.”

“The miraculous healings, which have been reported many times, can be explained by the fact that doctors or leprosy inspectors had misdiagnosed leprosy in cases of different skin diseases such as eczema or scabies and these then subsided.” [33]

Isolation, detention

Following a decree issued by the Third Lateran Council (1179), lepers had to be expelled from their families and communities, should have their own churches and cemeteries, lost their belongings and their civil rights; they were considered the living dead (tamquam mortuus), a state of being into which they were introduced by a church death ceremony. The “leprosy law” required their removal from the neighboring community (as “leprosi in campo” [field lepers] they lived in field huts outside the towns and villages).

“Occasionally they were given the permit to beg; they had to wear a face mask.”

Additional Mediaeval Social distancing rules for lepers:

“I charge you if need require you to pass some too-way through rough ground, or elsewhere, that you touch no posts of things whereby your cross, till you have first put on your gloves.

I forbid you to touch infants or young folk, whosoever they may be, or to give to them or to others any of your possessions.”

“I forbid you henceforth to eat or drink in any company except that of lepers.” [34]

In the 13th century, laws were passed by which the church had to separate lepers from their healthy spouses after a positive verdict by an inspection commission.

“Healthy people went to steam baths as a preventive measure, while people suffering from leprosy were suspected of seeking healing by bathing in the blood of virgins, innocent children or dogs, or by having sex with healthy virgins.”

In 2020, Canada is building detention camps, these are not limited to people with Covid. [35] New Zealand is establishing COVID-19 quarantine ‘camps’. [36] These camps – with armed guards – just as government ordered home quarantines, are not for voluntary stays.

March 2020, in Germany the decree is: You cough, you go to quarantine or prison

In the German state of Baden-Wüttenberg, as of March 23, patients with coughing or fever can now be diagnosed with Covid-19 by any doctor without a lab test. A positive diagnosis will result in at least 2 weeks forced quarantine/hospitalisation. [37]

Medieval author Monk William gives a further example of how a person could be condemned of having loeprocy without any clinical symptoms at all: In his communications with Henry of Lausanne (Switzerland) he said:

“You are a leper, scarred by heresy, excluded from communion by the judgement of the priest according to law, bare-headed, with ragged clothing, your body covered by an infected and filthy garment; and must live alone outside the church”. [38]

This ‚diagnosis‘ describes the effects of the punishment and persecution rather than the symptoms of a disease. 

scarred by heresy“ is probably the closest to a resemblance to physical consequences, but it rather underlines the fact the lepers could be beaten and killed by anyone for any reason or no reason at all.

In 1346, two years before the Black Death broke out in Europe (Sicily), Edward III expelled all lepers from London and the suburbs, after the same leprosy laws and measures of isolation had been adapted for centuries. Did he perceive any precursors of the Public health crisis that would grip Europe two years later in the form of the Black Death? The natural disasters of the 1340’s – leading to starvation and mass death – certainly gave some indications. 

Death sentence:

From Saul N. Brody’s book “the disease of the soul” leprosy in the mediaeval literature: 1974:

“Several highly placed lepraphobes, including Henry II of England, Edward the III and Philip of Spain  

chose to replace the religious service with a simple civil ceremony. It consisted of strapping the leper to a post and setting him afire. Edward III adhered a trifle more loosely to the letter of the ecumenical decree. Lepers, during his reign, were permitted the comforts of a Christian funeral. They were let down to the cemetery and buried alive.”


Some healthy people had no fear of lepers and even provided shelter for some of them in their homes. This manifestation of compassion was then interpreted by the authorities as recklessness and treason.

“The danger of leprosy is obviously not recognized by all the citizens, for although Edward III complains that lepers spread their malady “to the great injury” and “manifest peril” of others, he must decree also that those harboring lepers do so “on pain of forfeiture of their said houses and buildings, and more grievous punishment on them by us to be inflicted.”

So, those who have empathy and understood then what we now know (either by empirical evidence or by instinct) that there is no simple contagion of leprosy, they were punished by society as well.

Punishment for Sin

“The world of the leper emerges as a world of contradiction and inconsistency – indeed, as a world which accommodated two incompatible ideas of leprosy: the disease was the sickness both of the damned sinner and of one given special grace by god, chosen by god for salvation. The latter idea was heavily propagated by the church.” [39] This perversion found expression for instance in this burial ritual: 

The leper was standing in a grave and earth was thrown on him, as a priest spoke:

“Be dead to the world, be reborn to God”. The leper replied “O Jesus, my redeemer, you formed me out of earth, you dressed me in a body, let me be reborn in the final day.” [40]

So, lepers were considered to be unclean, morally low and full of sin, 

yet at the same time, they were also told, that God had chosen them to grant their soul salvation. 

In 2018, “a survey of people in Cameroon indicated that one-quarter of 233 respondents believed leprosy was caused by a spell.” [41]

“Theodoric the physician (1205 – 1296) describes the leper as „wrathful, malevolent, and mistrustful – he suspects everyone wants to hurt him.”  [42]

Jee, I wonder why they would think that…    

Already Pope Gregory the Great (540–604) and Isidor of Seville (560–636) considered people with the disease to be heretics.[126] [43]

This was later justified in The Books Of The Morals Of St. Gregory The Pope, Or An Exposition On The Book Of Blessed Job.; Volume I – The First Part. Xi, 26. :

“For in leprosy both a portion of the skin is brought to a bright hue, and a portion remains of a healthy colour.  Lepers therefore are a figure of heretics, for in that they blend evil with good, they cover the complexion of health with spots.  And hence that they may be healed, they rightly cry out, Jesus, Master [Preceptor, Vulg.].” (from Luke 17:12- 19):????

W: Lourdaux commented: 

„Whether their adoption of this particular explanation, that hearsay was to the soul what leprosy was to the body, influenced the debate which took place at the same time about how it ought to be treated, is another question.” [44]

Leprosy was also considered by most writers as a venereal disease. 

In the 19th century it was believed that syphilis and 15th century leprosy were the same because of their association with sin. There might even be some truth to this, due to diagnosis inconsistencies.

In 2020, the opposite seems to be the case in the Corona crisis. Restaurants closed, but sites for anonymous sex dates were in high demand.  

The Pennsylvania Health Department Issued COVID Regulations for Orgies. Talking to your relatives is prohibited, instead, have orgies with masks! Sounds a bit like the movie ‘Eyes wide shut”.

In May 2020, Swiss lake and river swimming facilities remained under lockdown, meanwhile, “Sex workers can get back to business in Switzerland, but sports remain prohibited”. [45] The red-light district would serve as a testing ground for the dangerousness of the virus. In Switzerland, prostitution is legal and prostitutes undergo regular mandatory, health checks. So if not all prostitutes, who have sex with 20 strangers a day are Corona positive or dead, then Covid is not more dangerous than flue and the pandemic can be called of.

In New York, “So absurd is New York’s embrace of the face mask that the city’s Health Department recently encouraged residents to wear them while having sex. “Make it a little kinky,” the guidelines said. “Be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers, like walls, that allow sexual contact while preventing close face-to-face contact.” Shagging through a wall. You couldn’t make it up. “ [46]

Finally, here are a few alternative causes of skin lesions and necrosis that could be misinterpreted as leprosy in the Middle Ages and today:


 A detail of a c. 1512 CE painting by Mathias Grunewald showing a man suffering from St. Anthony’s fire (ergotism). ‘Temptation of St. Anthony’. (Unterlinden Museum, Colmar, France) / The Yorck Project, Wikimedia Commons

A common ailment was ergotism, a type of poisoning that was widespread in the middle ages especially in times of climate disruption and times of excessive rainfall, which promotes the growth of the fungus.

Ergotism is the effect of long-term ergot poisoning, traditionally due to the ingestion of the alkaloids produced by the Claviceps purpurea fungus that infects rye and other cereals, and more recently by the action of a number of ergoline-based drugs. It is also known as ergotoxicosis, ergot poisoning and Saint Anthony’s Fire. 


Ergot poisoning is a proposed explanation of bewitchment for it induces hallucinations including mania or psychosis.

Symptoms include desquamation or peeling, weak peripheral pulses, loss of peripheral sensation, edema and ultimately the death and loss of affected tissues. 

Since leprosy sufferers were cast out and forced to live of begging, we can be certain that they were forced to eat the lower quality, ergot infested grains that were rejected by the working peasants and thus an unknown proportion of symptomatic lepers were simply victims of chronic ergotism.


Even though pellagra was concentrated in the Americas from the 1700s onward, some victims of alleged Leprosy can be assumed to in fact have been pellagra sufferers. Pellagra is a vitamin deficiency disease most frequently caused by a chronic lack of niacin (vitamin B3).

severe outbreaks of pellagra were recognized in Mexico and Texas, when European settlers lived on a diet of corn in the 1800s, but did not prepare the corn the same way the native people had done. 

chronic Vitamin B3 deficiency can also occur in regions where the population is not dependent on corn. It may have gone hand in hand with ergotism without any distinction being made at the time.

More recently: Environmental toxins e.g. Arsenic 

“Skin lesions and cancer are known manifestations of chronic exposure to arsenic contaminated drinking water. Epidemiologic data primarily comes from regions with exposures 1-2 orders of magnitude above the current World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines of 10 μg/L.” [47]

We are living through a historic turning point event during the 2020s. 


[1] Leprosia: The Lost Leprosy Hospitals Of London – Professor Carole Rawcliffe; 5 March 2012, Museum of London;

[2]  Questionpro: Bogardus Social Distance Scale: Definition, Survey Questions with Examples

[3] COVID In Boulder: Scratch And Sniff Test Could Smell Out Coronavirus

By CBS4 Political Specialist Shaun BoydDecember 10, 2020;

[4] Miller, Timothy S. and Rachel Smith-Savage (2006) ‘Medieval; Leprosy Reconsidered’, International Social Science Review; 81: 16–28. Carole Rawcliffe, Leprosy in Medieval England; (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2006), 252–301

[5]   The Federal Assembly — The Swiss Parliament

[6] Miller, Timothy S. and Rachel Smith-Savage (2006) ‘Medieval; Leprosy Reconsidered’, International Social Science Review; 81: 16–28. Carole Rawcliffe, Leprosy in Medieval England; (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2006), 252–301 ibid p. 30).

[7] I-Chun Wang, “Landscapes of Illness, Politics of Segregation and page 3 of 8 Discourse of Empathy in the 19th Century Leprosy Narratives of Hawaii”; CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 20.5 (2018):; Special Issue Voices of Life, Illness and Disabilities in Life Writing and Medical Narratives. Ed. I-Chun Wang, Jonathan Locke Hart, Cindy Chopoidalo, and David Porter

[8] I-Chun Wang, “Landscapes of Illness, Politics of Segregation and page 3 of 8 Discourse of Empathy in the 19th Century Leprosy Narratives of Hawaii”; CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 20.5 (2018):; Special Issue Voices of Life, Illness and Disabilities in Life Writing and Medical Narratives. Ed. I-Chun Wang, Jonathan Locke Hart, Cindy Chopoidalo, and David Porter



[11] Miller, Timothy S. and Rachel Smith-Savage,(2006) ‘Medieval; Leprosy Reconsidered’, International Social Science Review; 81: 16–28. Carole Rawcliffe, Leprosy in Medieval England; (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2006), 252–301


[13] Leprosia: The Lost Leprosy Hospitals Of London – Professor Carole Rawcliffe; 5 March 2012, Museum of London; 08:40 ;

[14] From leprosy to COVID-19, how stigma makes it harder to fight epidemics; Vaishnavi ChandrashekharSep. 16, 2020,

[15] Clive Maxwell, Bleary; The alternative Covid religion has the intolerance and the superstition of old

 Letters 12/11/2020;


[17] Leprosia: The Lost Leprosy Hospitals Of London – Professor Carole Rawcliffe; 5 March 2012, Museum of London;

[18] Byrne , J.P. 2012: Encyclopedia of the Black Death. p. 212

[19] Lourdaux. W. 1973: The Concept of Heresy in the Middle Ages (11th- 13th C.), Proceedings of the international conference, Louvain may 13-16, 1973

[20] Wikipedia; Assize of Clarendon

[21] Mittelalterlexikon eine lexikalische Materialsammlung zum Mittelalter, schwerpunktmäßig im deutschsprachigen Raum; Gegründet durch Peter C. A. Schels (verstorben 2005)

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